For Sale

1x gorgeous tux kitten


I think this darling is a girl but I would never say for sure at this ages. She is part of my latest foster intake – ‘granny’ her 7 month daughter and her two babies.

Mums have not had it easy but the kittens are gorgeous, healthy and happy little things. I have lots of experience in finding forever homes for litters of my own cat’s kittens and foster mums and litters that I take in after they’ve been abandoned or abused. It is really important to me that they go to good homes. Especially as they had a bumpy start in life!

This poppet who we have temporarily named ‘Star’ and her brother ‘Midnight 3’ are very bonded and the only two in their litter so I would be happy to discuss an adoption rate for the pair as I’d love to see them go together.

It’s not essential though.

At the moment, my guess is she is about 5 weeks old.

She is now litter trained and has started weaning.

in my experience the longer they stay with mum, the more well adjusted and happy family member you will end up with. The earliest I’ll let them go is 9 weeks but they will keep benefiting from being with their mum for as long as 11/ 12 weeks (max because mum will start to reject them around then).

They will be fully wormed and deflead when they leave here as well as socialised with other animals and people 🙂

My home is smoke free but full of love.

The adoption fee goes back in to caring for the cats. I use it for food, toys, litter and to get the mums I take in spayed as well as vet fees and medicines.

These poppets are being thoroughly loved and cared for and getting the new beginning they deserve. Now they just need the perfect forever home 🙏🏻

if you would like me to put you in touch with one of the families that’s bought a kitten from me in the past I’m sure I can arrange that.

  • ID: 22781
  • Vaccination: No
  • Name of Breed: British shorthair
  • Wormed: Yes
  • neutered: No
  • Vet Checked: Yes
  • Micro Chiped: No
  • Age of Pet: 5 weeks
  • Mother Can be Seen ?: Yes
  • Date Available: 2024-10-27
  • Breeder: No
  • Contact Preferences: Text is usually easiest for me
  • Gender: Female
  • Coat Length: Short