We have 5 beautiful kittens ready for their forever home.
This is momma first and only litter.
We have 2 blue and cream tortie boys.
And 2 blue and cream tortie girls, and one full blue boy.
They have been wormed and flead and weaned of momma, they are litter trained.
They have been raised along side children, 2 pups and other cats.
They love attention and very fun to watch.
Mum and dad are our family pets and can be seen on viewing.
- ID: 20103
- Vaccination: No
- Name of Breed: British short haired
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: No
- Vet Checked: No
- Micro Chiped: No
- Age of Pet: 8 weeks 5 days
- Mother Can be Seen ?: Yes
- Date Available: 2024-08-16
- Breeder: Yes
- Contact Preferences: 07793061468
- Gender: Mixed
- Coat Length: Short