Girls sold
3 boy’s available stunning little puppies
Ready to leave for their forever home NOW
My beautiful coco has had a gorgeous litter of puppies 3 boys 1 girl these puppies are stunning.they are hypoallergenic,they make brilliant family pets.coco is a very loving mum shes very intelligent.Dad is a tiny Maltese he is cruft qualified champion they are champagne in colour and using wee pad already. 1st to view will fall in love with them . They will be vet checked 1st injection wormer and flee come with blanket with mums smell
- ID: 19918
- Vaccination: Yes
- Name of Breed: Maltipoo
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: No
- Vet Checked: Yes
- Micro Chiped: Yes
- Age of Pet: 8 weeks
- Mother Can be Seen ?: Yes
- Date Available: 2024-09-04
- Breeder: No
- Gender: Mixed
- Coat Length: Medium