I have 5 beautiful pups left looking for their forever homes. 3 girls and 2 boys
All have been wormed up to date.
They are all crate trained. They have been brought up in a family home and very playful and loving. All have lovely unique personalities.
Pictures dont do them justice they are adorable.
They will be vet checked and have first vaccinations and be microchipped.
Mum is family pet terrier, father is stud pomeranian.
Ready to leave 5th September
Deposits being taken to secure a puppy
Please call or text for any more info
- ID: 21106
- Vaccination: Yes
- Name of Breed: Jack Russell x pomeranian
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: No
- Vet Checked: Yes
- Micro Chiped: Yes
- Age of Pet: 8 weeks
- Mother Can be Seen ?: Yes
- Date Available: 2024-09-05
- Breeder: No
- Contact Preferences: 07886378465
- Gender: Mixed
- Coat Length: Long