For Sale

Prson Terrier puppies


We have a beautiful litter of Parson Terrier Pups born July 7th and ready to leave for their forever homes from September 1st. Mum is our very loving smooth coated Parson Russell Terrier Doris, and dad Reggie is a local sire from the village. We have 2 boys and 2 girls available. The pups will be wormed every 2 weeks with panacar puppy wormer they will also have their first vaccination, a health check from our vet and microcchip done before they leave us. We will provide a puppy pack with soft toy, food, birth certificate and all relevant documentation.
We have our kitchen come living room where the puppies can run an play to give them the best start in life, we give our pups names whilst they are with us as they are part of our family in the short time they are here. Please feel free to call, email or text with any questions you may have, a £150 deposit will secure your puppy. This is a huge decision and a big commitment maybe for the next 15 years so this puppy has to be the right one. You are welcome to come and see us to meet Doris and her puppies. many thanks for reading.

Contact after 5pm Monday- Thursday, Anytime Friday to Sunday


  • ID: 19985
  • Vaccination: Yes
  • Name of Breed: parson terrier
  • Wormed: Yes
  • neutered: No
  • Vet Checked: Yes
  • Micro Chiped: Yes
  • Age of Pet: 6 weeks
  • Mother Can be Seen ?: Yes
  • Date Available: 2024-09-01
  • Breeder: No
  • Gender: Mixed
  • Coat Length: Short