Due to the death of my grandparents we are forced to rehome their dogs
1 male jack neutered 3 years old and his sister Lottie also 3 years old not neutered and currently in season
Would suit a older couple or some one who is home all day and has a secure garden as jack likes to escape!
they are chipped although we do not have the chip information but I’m willing to write a note to state they have been sold ect
They are not lead trained and are not fans of other dogs or cats
Excellent around children
Absolutely lovely dogs and if I had a house I would keep them
Must be rehomed together
- ID: 15583
- Vaccination: Yes
- Name of Breed: Jack Russel cross Yorkshire terrier
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: Yes
- Vet Checked: Yes
- Micro Chiped: Yes
- Age of Pet: 3 years
- Mother Can be Seen ?: No
- Date Available: 2024-06-11
- Contact Preferences: 07835772710
- Gender: Mixed
- Coat Length: Short