I have 1 beautiful male cockapoo puppy left waiting for his forever home from a litter of 6. He has more spaniel traits. Mom and dad both beloved family pets who live with us, very much loved with great temperaments, brought up in a home environment with young grandchildren around. dad is a stunning f1 cockapoo and mom is beautiful working cocker spaniel. Is ready to leave, now 12 weeks old. has had both vaccinations, chipped, wormed and flea treated and vet checked. He will come home with a puppy pack including puppy food, a toy and blanket with mom’s smell on it to help little one settle in at his new home. Viewing essential,
- ID: 15254
- Vaccination: Yes
- Name of Breed: Cockapoo
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: No
- Vet Checked: Yes
- Micro Chiped: Yes
- Age of Pet: 12 weeks
- Mother Can be Seen ?: Yes
- Date Available: 2024-05-20
- Breeder: No
- Contact Preferences: Chat or phone
- Gender: Male
- Coat Length: Short