Hello reader! This beautiful Pedigree American Bully called Bandit needs to be rehomed.
He is 18 months old and has a beautiful calm collective temperament and often goes on completely off leash walks with me and my family. He is a well behaved, fun, protective, joyful and cuddly companion.
He loves kids and other dogs no matter if its a male or female and does very well with cats.
He is protective of his family and will instinctively bark whenever he feels there is a threat or danger at home but will stop on command.
I’ve been able to call him from miles away and he comes with no problem, You will be able to do the same!
Health information: He up to date with his vaccinations/flee & wormed
Personality traits: Loving and forgiving of mistakes, cuddly and goofy, he loves to chew on bones and sticks and likes to swim.
What’s included with rehoming: vaccination records, scent blanket, Collar & Lead, Toys e.g balls and tug toys, his bag of kibble that will last a month.
Im sad to have to rehome him due to new living arrangements and I cant give him the attention and time he will need. He is a very loyal companion and loves to work, he has a high drive and really wants to please his owner which will have him running around even if he is tired so please be careful when out and about.
I am willing to deliver if not too far.
Will reply on all platforms: Phone, Email and even on this website.
If you would like to know more about Bandit then please contact me, Thank you for reading!
- ID: 19494
- Vaccination: Yes
- Name of Breed: Bandit
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: No
- Vet Checked: Yes
- Micro Chiped: Yes
- Age of Pet: 1 years old and 8 months
- Mother Can be Seen ?: No
- Date Available: 2024-08-09
- Breeder: No
- Contact Preferences: 07403558784
- Gender: Male
- Coat Length: Short