Meet Oscar our 3 years old Goldendoodle dog needing a new forever home. Due to family circumstances that have changed. We can no longer keep him and give him the attention he needs.
He is very lively and energetic and will need a family who he can keep up with. He has a good temperament. He loves his walks and is harness trained and loves chasing after his ball.
He has been brought up with adults and children and very well behaved for a boy. He is house trained thoroughly. He is crate trained and loves to sleep in his bed and eat his treats.
He will come with his crate and a few toys. He eats wet and dry food and has been eating harrington grain free.
He is up to date with all vaccinations and proof can be provided. He is microchipped. He is 100% healthy. He has a good recall.
We are searching for a good family that will take good care of him and spoil him with the care he needs. He is a simple dog and simple needs. A deposit is required to reserve him. If you are interested I giving him the home he deserves, please kindly get back to us if have questions about him. Also home inspection will be done if necessary. Send a message with your contact details. Thank you
- ID: 22830
- Vaccination: Yes
- Name of Breed: Goldendoodle
- Wormed: Yes
- neutered: Yes
- Vet Checked: Yes
- Micro Chiped: Yes
- Age of Pet: 3 years old
- Mother Can be Seen ?: No
- Date Available: 2021-11-21
- Breeder: No
- Contact Preferences: 07365590036
- Gender: Male
- Coat Length: Short