How to Deal with a Jealous Pet

How to Deal with a Jealous Pet

Vocalisation: If your pet starts barking, meowing, or growling when you pay attention to someone else, it might be a hint that they feel left out.

Aggressive Behaviour: Some pets might act out by nipping or swatting at other animals or even humans. This can be a sign they’re feeling threatened or insecure.

Withdrawal: A jealous pet may isolate itself from the family or refuse to engage in activities they usually enjoy.

Excessive Attention-Seeking: Does your pet suddenly want to be on your lap or follow you everywhere? This could be a plea for more love and attention.

New Arrivals: Whether it’s a new baby, a partner, or another pet, changes in the family structure can unsettle your pet.

Different Treatment: If one pet gets more treats or playtime, the other may feel left out. Pets crave fairness just like kids do.

Shared Spaces: Pets that are territorial can feel jealous if another animal encroaches on their favourite spot.