Your Guide to Pet First Aid Don’t Panic, Be Prepared!

Your Guide to Pet First Aid Don’t Panic, Be Prepared!

Cuts and Scrapes: These can happen during playtime or even while your pet is just walking around.

Choking: Pets are naturally curious and may swallow something they shouldn’t. This can be a serious situation.

Allergic Reactions: Just like us, pets can have allergies. A sudden swelling or difficulty breathing is crucial to address quickly.

Injured Paw or Leg: Limping or favoring a limb could signal something’s wrong.

Gauze and Bandages: Perfect for wrapping up cuts or scrapes.

Antiseptic Wipes: These help clean wounds and prevent infection.

Tweezers: Handy for removing splinters or ticks.

Digital Thermometer: Just like our temperatures, pets can run fever too.

Pet-safe First Aid Book: A quick reference guide can help a lot in emergencies.